


Pastorets de 5è C


Un any més, i amb molt d'esforç, els alumnes de 5è hem representat 'Els Pastorets' amb tota la il·lusió del mon. Esperem que us agradin!

Tots els capítols de "Representacions"

2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5D II


2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5D II

Let's put the waste in the right bin!

2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5D I


2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5D I

Let's put the waste in the right bin!

2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5B I


2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5B I

Let's put the waste in the right bin!

2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5B II


2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5B II

Let's put the waste in the right bin!

2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5A  I


2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5A I

Let's put the waste in the right bin!

2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5A  II


2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5A II

Let's put the waste in the right bin!

2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5C II


2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5C II

Let's put the waste in the right bin!

2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5C I


2324 - Find a bin to put it in - 5C I

Let's put the waste in the right bin!

2324 - The enormous carrot - Mushrooms


2324 - The enormous carrot - Mushrooms

Theatre play of primary 1


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